1. No cash, flammable, explosive, fragile items, items related to copyright, intellectual property rights, illegal items, and prohibited items stipulated by airlines and laws are not allowed to be transported by express delivery. Courier will not be liable for any losses caused by the customer's violation of the above prohibition on shipping regulations.
2. After receiving the customer's parcel, the courier will randomly check the contents of the parcel. If counterfeit goods, imitation brand goods, dangerous goods, etc. are found, Express will deduct the illegal mail parcel of the customer that day, and will detain it for one week before returning it to the customer.
3. If fake goods, imitation brand goods, dangerous goods, etc. have not been spot-checked by express delivery, but have been seized by the customs, all responsibilities and losses shall be borne by the customer. The company reserves the right to claim compensation from this customer.
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